Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Baby is 3 weeks old today.

Little Miss Rylee is 3 weeks old today. I can't believe it. I have decided to set up a different site for her to post too. I will still post to this one, but it will be more family related. The other site will just be for her. That website is http://www.totsites.com/tot/babyrylee09. It will have a lot more photos too. I will probably go private on both sites also, so if you want access just let me know.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just some photos to look at. We are absolutely enjoying every minute with our beautiful baby girl. She is such a good baby. We are so lucky to be her parents.

Grandma with baby Rylee.

Our baby girl. :)

She really likes her swing.

She is trying out tummy time. She was not to happy about it either.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Her umbilical cord fell off.

Rylee's 2nd Bath. She isn't to fond of them.
She is just so darn cute.
Tori holding baby Rylee.
I love the little gowns on babies.
Great Grandma holding baby Rylee and baby Braelynn. The are 5 weeks apart.

Sorry, this was very exciting for me. Her umbilical cord fell of today September 10th. Now we can give her real baths. We took her out to mommy's work today to meet everybody. They all absolutely loved her. How could you not though, she is just so darn cute. We were gonna try and take her to Daddy's work, but decided to try that tomorrow. We also went and visited grandma who was working in the valley today. We are now home just relaxing. She is sleeping in her swing and Daddy is sleeping on the couch. What a couple of lazy bums:).

First Week

Abbie holding her new cousin Rylee.
Our little Rylee all dressed up, she is so cute.

Mike holding his new niece.

Getting ready to go on her first adventure to walmart, lucky girl.
Lexi with Rylee. She loves to hold her.
Matt with his new niece. He always talks about her. He loves her so much.
Rylee ready to leave the hospital.
Her going home outfit.
Proud Daddy with his beautiful baby girl.
Great Grandma with her 33 Great Grandchild. She is the best Grandma ever.

Well, the first week has flown by. It is kind of sad and scary how fast it went by. We have had lots of visitors come by and see our new bundle of joy. My little brother Matt was so cute with her. He came over Thursday night, when we had gotten home from the hospital. Apparently he wanted to come see her so bad he was cleaning house so that he could. He just kept saying how cute she was. Mike couldn't come see her because he got sent home from school sick. Lexi also held her. She is gonna be such a good Auntie. So far Rylee has been an excellent baby. She only gets fussy when she is hungry. She can sleep through just about anything. We gave her her first bath on Sunday. We forgot to take pictures and video tape it though:(. She got her second bath on Wednesday. Daddy video taped, while Mommy did all the work. She had her first appointment on Tuesday the 8th. She was still only 20.5 inches long, but weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces. She actually gained weight, when most babies lose weight. She is a very good eater though. Her first adventure out was to walmart on Saturday the 5th. I was feeling very cooped up in the house, so we made a quick trip to Walmart. She slept the whole time. We had a bbq on Sunday the 6th, for Great Grandma's 75th bday party. She is such a great Grandma. We love her very much. Then we went to Danny's dads for dinner. All the nieces got to meet Rylee for the first time. Tori was very excited. She was in New Mexico when we were released from the hospital. She had threatened to stay home because she wanted to see Rylee so bad:). We had another bbq at my mom's on Monday the 7th for labor day. Rylee had already gone on all sorts of little adventures. Sorry this blog is all over the place. I am just trying to remember everything that has happened in the first week of her life. I don't want to miss a thing, but it is so hard to remember things when you are so tired:). She had her first explosive diaper all over mommy. It was quite messy:). This little girl can toot. She has some big boy toots come out of her. It is so funny, because she is just so tiny and cute and then to hear her toot real loud, it makes us laugh. We have tons of pictures already. I will attach some on here so you can enjoy. Well that is all for now. Will post more later.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Birth

Proud Daddy with his baby girl. Sorry it is so blurry.

Proud Mommy with baby girl. She is absolutely perfect.

Daddy had to make sure you didn't have a tail or a 3rd nipple:). He also had to count her fingers and toes.

Me in Labor. What a beautiful picture. Or not at all.

It was early on September 1st, 2009. We were told to meet Dr. Tedesco at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning to be induced. I was very excited, but also very nervous. We get there and are told we needed to wait in the waiting room, because there was a problem. I figured they were really busy and were gonna have to send us home, which made me really upset. They were busy, but they didn't send us home. They just had to wait for a room to be cleaned. We got put into our room and Dr. Tedesco broke my water around 7:00am. I was still only dialated to a 2 when we got to the hospital. I was a 2 the last month of pregnancy. After about 2 hours of no real progress, they decided to give me pitocin. Once I got that it didn't take long for the contractions to start. I was having really bad back labor right off the back. They said because baby was facing the wrong way, so her spine was on mine. A few hours pass and they give me some Stadol, which just made me feel really weird. Couldn't keep my eyes open. That didn't last long. At about 2:00pm, I decided I wanted my epidural. I was only dialated to 3 at the time. I was so lucky to have Dr. Tedesco as the doctor, because he does his own epidurals and I didn't have to wait to get it. It was such a relief. The nurse checked me at around 6ish and said I was dialated to a 6. I was excited, but then Dr. Tedesco checked me and said I was only a 5. That was disappointing. They decided to start upping my pitocin. Every 20 to 30 minutes they would come in and up it. This is when I started to feel the contractions again. They gave me a little bit more of my epidural. At around 9:30pm, Dr. Tedesco came in and checked me again. I was just hoping to be at 6 or 7cm. Well I was at a 9. He said we would be pushing in about 30 minutes. I then got extremely nervous. Well, 10:00pm comes and we are ready to push. He left my epidural on, he said as long as I push well, then it could stay on, so I was bound and determined to push, even though I couldn't feel anything:). After about 30 minutes of pushing, our beautiful Baby Rylee was here. The funny thing was that the diamondback game was on, so in between contractions both Dr. Tedesco and Danny were watching the game. What the heck was that about. Well, back to Rylee, she was absolutely perfect. She weighed 7 pounds 9.6 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Our visitors that came to see her that night were, Grandpa John, Grandma and Grandpa Key, Auntie Jessi, Amy and Sarah. They were so busy that day and night, that they didn't take her from us to bathe her until after 1:00am. I had to wait for my epidural to wear off before they could move us rooms. That happened around 4:00am and then they brought us back our beautiful baby girl. Daddy and Mommy were both so tired, but so happy to finally have our baby girl.