Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crazy Climbing girl!

I guess it's time to post again. I am terrible at this blogging thing. Well lets see, the last time I posted was around Halloween. We had family from Colorado come visit the beginning of November. We had my cousin and her two kids stay with us. She has a 5 year old and a 4 year old. Rylee was so excited to have them here. She finally had some kids to play with. We had an early Thanksgiving with them over at my moms. It was a good time. We went to Danny's sisters for Thanksgiving Day. It was nice and laid back. Since both of our parents are divorced we usually have 4 places to go for every holiday and it can get a little overwhelming sometimes. My mom had another Thanksgiving the day after and we just went and visited my Dad after we left Amy's. After dinner, we came home. I really wanted a laptop from Walmart on black Friday, so I decided to go wait with my Aunt Terri at Midnight. We waited until 5am. Not sure what I was thinking, but I got my laptop. :).

Now to get to the title of this entry. Our little girl can climb out of her crib. She started doing this about 2 weeks ago. I laid her down for a nap, in her crib. She was fussing like she normally does, then she laid down. (we have a video monitor). The monitor went dark, so I waited a few minutes and checked it again. I couldn't find her, so I scanned her room. She was playing with all her toys. We decided the best thing to do was turn her crib in to a daybed and just get a toddler rail so she can't roll out of it. Well, Walmart didn't have any, so we waited until we had to go to Vegas. We had her sleep in her playpen until we got to Vegas. The playpen didn't last long either. She, as of yesterday, can now climb out of that. She is such a climber. I was worried about transitioning to a toddler bed. She is only 15 months. So far though, she has done great. She has only climbed out 1 time after putting her down for the night. I thought it was going to be a crazy battle. A battle I would much rather fight though, then have her fall out of her crib and crack her skull open.

We went and had her 15 month check up last week. She is now a whopping 21.5lbs with clothes on and 30.25 inches long. She is a bit of a runt. Our pediatrician says she is right on track for her though. She has always followed the 25th percentile. She had to get 2 shots that day also. Danny was in Vegas, so I had to go all by myself. Usually he holds her and I stand back and watch with tears in my eyes. Then, I comfort her after it is all done. Not this time though. I had to be the bad guy and hold her. She has to get her other half of the flu shot and then her 18 month shots and then we are down until she is 4. Thank goodness. I know they are good for the kids, but it is not fun.

I think that is all for now. I will leave you with some pictures, like I usually do. Hope you enjoy.

Gracie, Rylee and Isaiah. She wanted to sleep with them.

Posing for Pictures.

Blowing Kisses.

She loves to go down the slide.

Too Cute.

She loves to pull all of her diapers out, and then sit in the box.

Daddy and Rylee, watching Espn.

This is my favorite. She started out in her onsie. She then brought random articles of clothing to me, so I put whatever she brought to me on her. This is how we ended up.