Thursday, August 12, 2010


She was playing with Daddy's hat. She loves to put things on her head. And around her neck, which is a bit scary sometimes.

Bad Dreams

I want to try and blog more then once every three months, so here it goes. For the past week, me and Danny have been taking turns having bad dreams. Or should I say hallucinations. We take turns practically diving off the bed because we think Rylee is falling off the bed. We take turns doing it though. One night I do it, the next night Danny. Sometimes I think it would be funny to set up a video camera so we can see what retarded things we do at night. (I'm sure some of you are thinking dirty thoughts right now, well stop it. I only want to set up a camera because we both have hallucinations.) And no, we aren't on drugs. I'm totally laughing just thinking of it. I seriously dove over Danny one night. I'm surprised I didn't kill him. The next night he is diving at my feet, totally freaked me out. The funny thing is, while all of this is going on, Rylee is sound asleep in her playpen. I do want to add though, that this is the only thing that I dream about. Danny does this all the time. I don't know how many times I have been rudely awoken with Danny freaking out, throwing the covers off the bed. He swears up and down there is a spider. The first few times I fell for it, so I would help him try and find this spider. After a while I got tired of it, and would just tell him to get back to bed. So, he is always having weird dreams. Well, now that I got that off my chest. Miss Rylee is now popping her 3rd tooth through. I'm still not convinced it was ready, but Rylee would grind her huge bottom tooth on her upper gums, so I think she helped it along a bit. I guess the more teeth, the better to eat her 1st Birthday cake. I still can't believe she will be 1 in a few weeks. It is crazy how fast it has gone. Well I guess I will leave you with a few pictures. Nevermind, I am on Danny's work computer and it is not cooperating, so I will have to post pictures later.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More Pictures

Well last night when I was trying to post pictures, it kept telling me it couldn't save anything, so today I was able to post, but it moved my pictures around and took out my descriptions of them, so here are a few more pictures to enjoy. These pictures range in age from 9 to 11 months.

Absolutely love this one of her chewing on a ketchup package

Sleeping with Scrappy.

Having fun in her toy bin.

She loves to get under our table and push out all the chairs.

Love how this picture came out, playing with Daddy in the water.

Eating at the RainForest Cafe with my cousin Matt & his friend Justin.

Too Cute, eating her rice cake.

Sleeping with her Suns rally monkey.

Being a turkey, playing in her carseat base.

So pretty.

Monday, August 2, 2010

11 months old yesterday

It has been a while since my last post. We have just been so busy with our baby girl. She is doing so great. She started walking at 10 months and there is no stopping her now. She has 1 toothpretty much all the way in and another one starting to come in. They are both on the bottom. She is such a smart little booger. She only has to watch us once and will then copy what we do. She loves to dance, it doesn't matter what kind of music. She loves the show Yo Gabba Gabba. It is rather interesting, but she enjoys it.

She had her 1st 4th of July. She liked the fireworks, but only if she was sitting with either me or Danny. She tried to sit with Jessi for a bit, but started to get scared. She definitely likes to be with her Mommy or Daddy. More so with Daddy, but Mommy will do if Daddy isn't around.
She turned 11months old yesterday. I can't believe it. It has just flown by. We are starting to plan her 1st b day party. For her actual birthday, we will be in Disneyland, so it should be fun.
Let me talk about some of the things she does. She loves to pull out all of our DVDs, she loves the animals, they just aren't to fond of her. She loves to just lay on them, I can't figure out why they don't like that.. She loves to love on stuffed animals, she hugs them so tight, and then will bring them to us for us to love on them. She is really starting to get good at sleeping through the night, which is great for mommy and daddy. She is still sleeping in our room. I keep saying I will move her after her 1st b day. We shall see if that happens. I like her being at the foot of our bed in her playpen. She loves to play in the dogs water dish, she also likes to put things in there. She tried to put daddy's phone in there yesterday. We are constantly telling her No, not to play in that. After we walk away she will walk right back to it and look at us. She knows she isn't supposed to be playing in it, and it's like she is taunting us. She is such a turkey. She really is such a good baby. I just can't picture my life without her now that she is in it. Well I guess that is all I can think of for now. I will try and update a little sooner next time.

Rylee at her 1st dbacks game, actually this was her second.

This was her first game, and she slept right through it.

Having fun in the tub.

Being a ham.

She already doesn't listen, we are in for it.