Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby Payton!!!

We finally have our new baby girl here. She didn't want to come so we forced her out. lol. We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 am, on August 10th. I was so nervous driving there. I think because I knew what to expect this time around being induced. After the nurse finished poking me, Dr. Tedesco came in and checked me. I was still only dilated to a 3. Baby had no intentions of coming out. He broke my water and they started me on the pitocin. At around 11:00 an the contractions got pretty intense. That is when I asked for the epidural. I don't remember the epidural hurting as bad when I got it with Rylee. Once it started working though, I was in heaven. Okay, maybe not in heaven, but was feeling much better. When I got the epidural with Rylee, I couldn't move or feel my legs at all, this time I could still move and feel my legs. My legs were really tingly, but I was glad I was able to move them. I totally had plans to watch my soap opera, but due to the contractions and having to get the epidural at the same time my soap started, I had to miss it. Good thing I have them recording at home. lol. At about 1:45pm the nurse came in and said I could turn to my side if I wanted to. I really wanted to, because my upper back was starting to hurt. When I did that though, she couldn't find the baby on the monitor. She tried for a good 20 minutes and finally decided she was going to have to put the scalp monitor on the baby. When she went to check my, I was complete. I felt stupid, cause I didn't know what that meant, so I asked okay, but how far dilated am I? She said you are complete, meaning baby was ready to come. I felt retarded. About 20 minutes later Dr. Tedesco arrived and everything started to happen. He started breaking the bed down and getting everything ready. At about 2:15, I started pushing. At 2:24pm, and 3 contractions later, we found out we had another beautiful baby girl. The surprise was really a lot of fun. We decided to just have Danny in the room. After she was born, he got to cut the umbilical cord. He didn't get to with Rylee, so he was pretty stoked. He was so stoked, he asked me for a high five. When he saw my bloody hand he changed his mind. lol. I didn't even get a kiss, all I got was a air high five. He is such a goober. I did eventually get a kiss, I just thought it was funny that he wanted a high five. I was really surprised that everything went that fast. It was 8 hours faster this time around. Back to baby, she was 8 pounds 4.2 ounces and 20.3 inches long. She was absolutely perfect. Rylee wasn't to excited about her in the hospital. She came in and saw her, but there was a water tank outside that she really wanted to play with and it took priority over her new little sister. Once we got home and let her hold her new little sister though, it was a different story. Now all she wants to do is hold her sister and give her tons of kisses. She has her jealous moments, but all in all she is doing pretty good. Miss Payton is an awesome baby. She does a lot of sleeping. I can't believe she will be 1 week old tomorrow. Time is already flying by. Just like I can't believe Rylee is going to be 2 in just a few weeks. Well, I guess that is all for now. I will leave you with some of the photos the hospital took.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rylee Roo & overdue

I am going to start off by saying I am the worst blogger ever. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about. I guess I'm just lazy. I decided I would try and get one last blog in before new baby arrives. Rylee is going to be 2 in less than a month. I can't even believe how fast she is growing up. She has such a little personality. She makes me and Danny laugh pretty much all day. She has become quite the dancer and singer. Not sure where she got her dance moves, but I must say they are pretty awesome. My birthday was this past Friday and since then she has been singing happy birthday non stop. I think she thinks she will get cake after every time she sings it. She also has quite the little attitude too. I'm afraid she probably got that from me. They say first borns are pretty stubborn and we both are. She is still our little parrot and repeats everything we say and I mean everything. Danny has an Ipad and he loaded a bunch of pictures on there. Most of them are from when she was a baby. She loves to go through the pictures and point everybody out. Well, anytime there was a picture of her, we would tell her that is you. Now when she sees a baby picture of herself and we ask her who it is, she replies, Baby You. Apparently she thinks that is the babies name. lol. We recently moved to a different house and ever since the move, her sleeping habits have not been so good. She used to sleep through the night in her bed no problem, now she wakes up at least once, if not twice during the night. We then have to lay in her room with her till she goes back to sleep. Being pregnant and laying on her floor is not very comfortable. I am hoping it is just a phase and she will start sleeping through the night again very soon. Especially since baby #2 will be here any day.

Since the last time I blogged, we took Rylee to Sea World. She had so much fun. She absolutely loves fish and was in heaven there. We had a great time. The weather was so nice too. Speaking of fish, one of her favorite movies right now is Finding Nemo, she also likes Monsters Inc., and Toy Story 3. She will sit and watch these movies all the way through. She still loves Yo Gabba Gabba, but will watch other cartoons too. She loves to play with her babies. She is always trying to change their diapers and put them to bed. She loves to push her baby in the stroller, down to the mailbox and back. She also loves when Daddy throws her high in the air. He makes her count to 5 first and then she gets to go high. She is also learning her colors. She loves to swing at the park. She could do that for hours if we let her. Sorry if this is all over the place, my fault for not blogging more often, now I am trying to remember everything at once. I guess for now that is enough about Miss Rylee Roo.

I am overdue by 2 days now. My due date was Friday the 5th, but no baby yet. I am not a very patient person either. The wait and anticipation is killing me. If baby does not make an appearance by Tuesday, then we go in to be induced on Wednesday. I didn't want to be induced again, but I don't think I can wait much longer. I am so ready to have this baby. I just hope Rylee is ready for a little sibling. Luckily, Danny will be taking 2 weeks off, so we can all adjust together as a family of 4. I will leave you with some random pictures from that last several months.

Rylee in her Easter Dress.

In San Diego on a Merry Go Round.

Rylee with her Shamu.

Just looking cute.

Getting ready to go into Sea World.

Playing with Star Fish.

Sitting with Uncle Mike in her playhouse.

Laying on Gizmo under her bed, she is a nerd.

She is sitting in the baby swing seat that is in the closet. She never wanted to be in the swing when she actually fit in there. lol

She loves to swing in this swing.

This is after running threw the sprinklers.

She loves her swing so much, she fell asleep.