Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well, I realize I'm a few days late in posting Halloween photos, but at least I'm posting them right:). Rylee is now 14 months old and is a wild one. She loves to run around and climb things. She has mastered climbing on the couch. Which wouldn't be that bad, except for the whole running thing. She runs back and forth and then will get as close to the edge as possible. She knows is scares us and we go running for her. She then smiles and turns and runs the other way. She is such a turkey.

I am so terrible at this blogging thing. I am trying to remember what we have done in the past month. My mom, Jessi, Rylee and I flew back to South Carolina to watch my cousin graduate from boot camp. He is now a united states marine. We are so proud of you Matt. I was really nervous about the flying, but she did great. That is until the very last flight. She ended up getting a belly ache and pretty much cried the entire flight.

I would like to wish a few people Happy Birthday. My Step-mom Anne had a birthday Nov 1. Thank you for being such a great person. You have always been so supportive of me. I really appreciate it. Next, my cousins son Logan, He turned 2 today. Happy Birthday Buddy. And last one for this week is my Aunt Terri. We love all you guys and hope you all have and had a great birthday.

Finally, I want to say congrats to my good friend Brandi & Jess on their new addition. A baby girl named Neely. She is the cutest little thing. Brandi is so awesome. She have delivered all her babies with no drugs. She is one tough cookie. She always tells me she feels like a wimp, because it really hurts. I have to correct her and tell her no, I am the wimp, but a proud wimp. I will take the pain meds over that pain any day. She is my hero. We love you guys and are so happy for you. Since I am on the topic of babies, I would like to wish a couple of friends good luck. Sarah & Chris and Scott & Shelby. They will both be adding new additions very soon. Good luck to you guys. We can't wait to hear the good news of your new bundles of joy. I guess I will leave you with some Halloween pictures. Have a good night all.

My Little Red Riding Hood on the phone:)

Playing with her tea set.

Watching her uncles play baseball.