Thursday, February 7, 2013

Time Flies

Holy cow, I can not even believe it has been almost a year since my last post.  I know I am not very good at this blogging thing, but I am disappointed that I have missed a year of writing down memorable things about my girls.  They are just growing so fast, that it make me sad.  This past year has been a pretty crazy one to say the least.  I never thought I would be without my Dad.  EVER.  I guess eventually it would happen, but not while I am still in my 20's.  We are getting by, day by day, but it is still so hard.  Okay, back to the girls before I lose it.

Rylee is now 3 1/2 and she is amazing.  She is so smart, funny, beautiful, athletic, etc, etc, etc.  I could go on and on.  She loves to learn.  I signed up for a program called abc mouse and she loves it.  We try and sit down together and do a few lessons each day.  Some times it happens, other times she just gets on and plays some of the games, either way she loves it.  She loves quizzing us on shapes, colors, numbers and well just about everything.  Her favorite number is 3.   That is HER number.  She has gotten into arguments with cousins over this number.  lol.    Apparently she is the only 3 year old, who can like the number 3.  This is how she likes to introduce her self to new friends, too.  Instead of telling them her name, she starts out with Hi, I am 3.  We have decided that she has her daddy's sense of humor also.  Some of the things she does and finds funny are definitely coming from her dad's genes.  She is a goofball, always trying to make us laugh at her.  She also loves trying to make her sissy laugh as well.  She is so loving towards Payton, most of the time. haha.  I love watching Rylee try and teach Payton stuff.  Rylee is doing swimming lessons and kids boot camp.   She definitely loves to be active.  She loves Anna, who does the boot camp.  In fact, if Anna doesn't pay enough attention to her, she will go off and pout.  Anna really is quite amazing with her.  She is with all the kids, but I love seeing Rylee's face light up when Anna greets her with a big hug.  With swimming, she is quite the little fish.  She loves to be in the water and is pretty fearless.  I was never a swimmer, so I get a bit nervous sometimes, but also love the fact that she loves it so much.  She is totally into drawing lately.  She draws rabbits, whales, sharks, ducks, grandparents and a few other things.  She decided to decorate our bathroom the other night, with a dry erase black marker.  She drew all over the toilet, shower, a few walls and of course the dry erase board.  lol.  I had to have Danny come in and punish her on that one, I was laughing to hard.  I tend to have a hard time with punishing her, because she always has something cute or funny to say, to get out of getting into trouble.  She is completely potty trained now.  She has been potty trained for quite some time now, but at night she would wear a pull up.  She would still wake up and go potty on the toilet, but we still put pull ups on her just in case.  Well, about a month ago, we ran out of pull ups and just decided not to get anymore.  She has yet to have an accident.  So proud of her.  She still sleeps in our room, but in her toddler bed.  We are having a hard time getting her to sleep in her room.  Soon enough we will make that transition.  Hopefully before Payton realizes that Rylee gets to sleep in our room.  lol.  Well, I wish I would do this more often, cause then I could remember some of the cute things she does, but for now my mind is blank.  I am going to set a goal of trying to blog at least once a week, that way, I should be able to remember some of the awesome things she says and does.



On to Miss Payton.  She is 1 1/2 and boy is she a spitting image of Danny.  Well, at least that is what I think.  She has been a pretty amazing baby.  So laid back and sweet.  Thank goodness, because like I said it was a pretty rough year.  She has always been a great sleeper.  Here and there, she would have a few nights of not so good ones, but for the most part she has been amazing.  She is usually wanting to go to bed at like 8.  I will tell her to give Daddy and Sissy kisses and she runs and does it.  Then will wait for me to get her milk and we go to her room.  She has a bunny and her blanket that she is absolutely attached too.  I love it too.  Rylee never got attached to anything like that.  Payton has to have her bunny and blanket to nap or go to bed with.  She will let you know if they aren't there.  There have been a few times when her blanket was dirty, so we tried to sneak Rylee's blanket in there.  She knows it's an impostor.  lol.  She calls her bunny her ba.  She will usually let me sleep till about 8am, which is awesome.  She is down to one nap a day.  I try and get her and Rylee down at the same time, so I can get house work done(or nap).  She loves her older sister.  She will copy everything she does.  She always checks with her first.  If Rylee gives good bye kisses, then it must be okay, so then she will go give kisses.  I love the bond they have.  The have just recently started playing really well together.  In the mornings, Rylee likes to run into Payton's room and tell her good morning.  Payton just lights up.  She is talking up a storm.  Can't really understand a lot of it, but it sure is cute.  She loves when Daddy comes home for lunch or the end of the day.  She goes running to him, with a huge smile on her face.  She isn't a huge fan of kisses, so instead she likes to do noggin, like from finding nemo.  She will even say dude when doing it.  It is pretty cute.  A bit painful, when you aren't ready for it, but still cute.  lol.  She refuses to give knuckles.  She will just open your hand up and give you a high 5.  She was the first of my kiddos to stay the night in the hospital.  I had to take her to the ER, because she was having a hard time breathing.  Quite scary.  It was like 1 in the morning.  They ended up admitting her to monitor her and diagnosed her with Croup.  It was so sad, she was so miserable.  So glad I was able to hold her and sleep with her.  I was afraid they would make her sleep in the caged crib.  She then gave her Croup to her sister.  Such a sweetheart.  lol.  Rylee didn't have to go to the hospital, but it was definitely a rough 2 weeks in our house.  Payton also  loves to do silly things to try and get us to laugh.  She loves to put things on her head and walk around.  She will peek every few seconds so she can make sure she isn't going to run in to anything.  She also loves to fake sleep.  She will do that a lot in her car seat.  She also loves to sing and dance.  We have had a few dance parties in the living room and her and Rylee rock out.  Payton is more of jumper, but she gets down.  She is definitely bigger then Rylee was at this age.  She is almost in 24 month clothes already.  She does not like to be left with anyone other than Mommy or Daddy.  I have tried to take her to the child care at the gym and she freaks out.  It is so sad when she is clenching on to me.  She is fine after about 5 minutes of screaming, but it breaks my heart to listen to her from the outside.  I guess that is what happens when she is with you 24/7.  Rylee seems to do good now, so hopefully she will grow out of it.  Well, I guess that is it for now.  I will leave you with some updated pictures, since the last ones posted were when Payton was a newborn.  lol. 



  1. Yay, so glad to see a new post from you!! Love the updates and the sweet pictures of your gals :)

  2. Awe, thanks. I am terrible at doing it, but am going to do my best to stay up on it. The girls do so many funny, crazy things and I want to be able to remember them. lol.

  3. Woohoo! You posted! They're so cute. Can't believe how big they are. And yes, Payton DOES look just like Danny!
